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DSB Plugin Here

Open a 400 x 400 transparent image 

Open a tube of your choice 

Material Palette choose a gradient to compliment your tube 

Settings/ sunburst / Angle 0 / Repeats 4 / invert unticked ok 

Tools / flood fill tool / flood fill the 400 x 400 image

Tools / Pan to deselect flood fill

Effects / texture effects / mosiac antique / 63 /63/ symmetric ticked / 23 / 2 / 50 / ok

Adjust / Blur / Radial blur / twirl / s20 / t8/ Eliptical ticked / h0 / v0 / pc40 /ok

Adjust / sharpness /sharpen more

Layer palette / right click on raster the one you flood filled and duplicate until you have 3

Activate top layer / effects /dsb flux / radial mosiac / settings / a1 /s20/t0/ok

X out top layer , activate middle layer effects /dsb flux / radial mosiac / settings/

a10/s20/t0/ok X out middle layer , activate bottom layer

effects /dsb flux / radial mosiac / settings/ a20 / s20 /t0 / Ok

Un X all layers

Activate top layer right click  and rename rad 1

Activate middle layer right click and rename rad 2

Activate bottom layer right click and rename rad 3

Click on the tube and X out the copy right layer

Activate tube layer right click on tube and choose copy

Layer palette click on rad 1 to activate and right click and paste tube as new layer

Resize using the deform tool then click pan

close original tube

this shud be the top layer right click and duplicate the tube until you have 3

Start from the top tube right click and rename t1

activate middle tube layer right click and rename t2

Activate bottom tube layer right click and rename t3

Layer palette X out all 6 layers

Un X t1 and rad 1 activate t1 and layers /merge/ merge visible

right click on the merged layer and rename to m1 x out m1

Un x T2 and Rad 2 activate t2 and layers / merge / merge visible

right click on the merged layer and rename to m2 x out m2

Un X t3 and rad 3 activate t3 and layers / merge / merge visible

right click on the merged layer and rename to  m3

Un x all the other layers so u have m1 ,m2 ,m3 all un X activate m1

Click on your tube and un x the copy right and activate the copyright

Right click and copy copyright then right click on M1 and paste your copyright as a new layer

Tools / deform tool position your copyright and resize if needed

tools / pan / deactivate deform

Layer palette activate top layer your copyright, right click and duplicate until you have 3

X out all 6 layers

Un x top copyright layer and m1

Activate top copyright layer / merge / merge visible

Right click on merged and rename m1 again then x out m1

Un x next copyright one under m1 and unx m2 activate the copy right layer / layers / merge / merge visible

Right click on merged and rename m2 again x out m2

Un x the last copyright layer and m3 activate copy right layer / layers / merge / merge visible

right click on merged and rename m3 again

now unx all the m1 ,m2 ,m3 layers

activate m1

Tools / text tool / big A / settings / vector / direction any

font any / size 30 /36/ stroke width any

material palette / choose your colour for your writing

type in your name and click apply , use the handles to resize and make wider if needed

Click Pan

Right click on the vector and convert to raster layer

right click on raster and duplicate until you have 3

X out all your layers unx the top layer your writing and m1 , activate the top layer /

layers /merge / merge visible x out merged

Un x the next writing layer and un x m2 / layers / merge / merge visible x out merged

Un x the last writing layer and m3 activate the writing layer / layer / merge / merge visible

Un x all the 3 merged layers

Click pan to deactivate text tool

Add your watermark the same way as the text

File / save as give it a name / save type as animation shop psp or psp 7 format

Open Animation shop

File open your saved image

test your animation works by clicking the animation icon which is far right at top the film strip icon is next to 

the arrow and question mark icon

Deactivate animation by clicking on the same icon

File save as give it a name / save type as gif / click  next , next until its saved

This Tutorial was created and installed by ©Mally on Wednesday  24  May 2006

Updated on friday 10 Februray 2012

and is the property of


It may not be reproduced in another other format or


without the express written consent of the creator.